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West Norfolk Radio
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Dear guests,
Thank you for making arrangements to play live on Jane’s Sunday Show. We, at WNR, appreciate the time and effort it has taken for you to attend, which is why we do not want your efforts to be wasted so have created this page to help you get the best from your efforts.
Please read the guest info sheet Jane has attached to the email or Facebook message she has sent to you.
If you have your own preferred microphones or equipment please bring them along, we really do want you at your best. We understand that some of our guests are used to playing to a room full of people, be it in a pub or club, but this is a very different set up.
Listener figures for WNR from December 2016 to Feb 2017 have hit record levels; unique listeners 104238, unique countries 180, so please, please PROMOTE, PROMOTE, PROMOTE. It’s your hour and you really don’t know who could be listening.
When setting up please bear the above in mind. Although you may have a small audience in the room your prime objective here is to sound good online, to do this you need to have some faith in the sound tech!
Back lines sound great in the room but if you turn them up nice and loud the sound tech has to wind up the vocals to balance the mix which is being streamed. Think about that. What can the 104 THOUSAND potential listeners hear, mainly YOUR VOCALS which have been lifted way above the balanced stream / recording to compensate for the high volume of the back line that only you can control.
If you bring a back line please turn it down, face it backwards or just use it as a monitor and let the sound tech do what’s best for you. He or she is on your side and will do the best they can to show you off to the world, if you let them.
The majority of our recording failures are due to back lines and although we want you to be comfortable and familiar in your surroundings we find it very upsetting when we cannot do our best for you.
We are always trying to upgrade equipment but costs for running the station are restrictive so if you know of any potential sponsors please let Jane know.
New or used equipment donations are always welcomed.
Thank you for reading these notes.